Thursday, September 19, 2024
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School Operations

As educational technology (EdTech) continues to evolve, principals have an exciting opportunity to stay at the forefront of tools and trends that can revolutionize teaching and learning. By understanding the integration and benefits of these technologies, principals can make...
The Pew Research Center’s report “What’s It Like To Be a Teacher in America Today?” sheds light on the significant challenges faced by public K-12 teachers, highlighting stress, dissatisfaction with the profession, concerns about student academic performance and behavior,...
Understanding Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Truancy and chronic absenteeism remain a significant challenge in K-12 education, with profound implications for student performance and equity. Data indicates that one in five eighth graders was chronically absent in 2015, with absenteeism rates...
Effective communication is the backbone of a well-functioning school environment. By ensuring clear, timely, and transparent communication, principals can foster a supportive and thriving community among teachers and staff. Building Trust Through Transparency Trust is built on transparency. In the San...