Empower, Engage, Excel: Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders at TEPSA 2024

What is the TEPSA Summer Conference?

The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA) Summer Conference is an annual event that serves as a hub for educational leaders from across Texas, focusing on the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in education, as well as opportunities for professional growth. Set in the vibrant atmosphere of the Round Rock Kalahari Resort from June 12-14, 2024, the conference promises a dynamic platform for networking, learning, and sharing experiences among passionate school administrators dedicated to shaping the future of education.

Featured Keynotes and Speakers

Fearful to Fear(less) for Educators
Darryl Bellamy, Jr – Fear Researcher and Founder of Fearless Inside
Discover strategies to adeptly handle fear amid the transformations in our current world, equipping yourself with practical tools to confidently face and navigate through the prevalent uncertainties and rapid shifts in society today.

Resilience Reset
Anne Grady – Author, Entrepreneur, and two-time TEDx Speaker
With burnout on the rise, learn essential techniques to rejuvenate and fortify your inner strength, empowering you to navigate through stress and build resilience.

Dale Monnin, PhD – Drum Café (USA) Founding Member
Engage in the harmonious act of creating music, immersing yourself in the “collective effervescence” that lifts spirits and fosters a shared sense of upliftment and inspiration.

Available Master Classes

Generative AI Unveiled: Enhancing Creativity, Problem-Solving, and Data Analysis
Leslie Garakani, EdD, Executive Director of Technology, Klein ISD

Brace for Impact: Positioning Your Team for the Dream!
Hayward R. Jean, Director of Student Services, Orangeburg County School District

Culture Strong: Nurturing a Thriving School Community
Stephanie McConnell, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Hawkins ISD

Putting Knowledge Into Action: How to Reframe Bias, Cultivate Connection, and Create High Performing Teams
Tia McIntosh, Coaching Director, Franklin Covey

Working with Parents: Building Relationships for Student Success – Techniques for Conflict Resolution and Addressing Social Media Issues
Ruby K. Payne, PhD, CEO aha! Process, Inc.

Regulated: How to Find and Lead from the Eye of the Storm
Adam L. Saenz, PhD, Psychologist and CEO, Applied EQ Group

What Can We Do About Behavior?
Dan St. Romain, Independent Behavior Consultant

How to Register

Online registration is available for TEPSA members here.

TEPSA members and nonmembers can register by sending this pdf form by email or physical mail with multiple payment methods available.