AI in K-12 Education: What Teachers Are Saying

Using AI in K-12 classrooms.

As artificial intelligence (AI) tools begin to permeate K-12 education, school principals need to be informed about teachers’ and students’ perspectives on this technology. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in fall 2023, there are significant concerns and uncertainties about the use of AI in classrooms.

Teacher Sentiments on AI Tools

Mixed Opinions: A quarter of public K-12 teachers believe AI tools bring more harm than potential benefits. About a third report experiencing a balance of benefits and harms. Meanwhile, 6% think these tools are largely beneficial. Another 35% remain uncertain.

Variations by School Level: High school teachers are the most skeptical, with 35% saying AI tools are more harmful than helpful. Middle school teachers are slightly more positive, with 24% expressing concern, followed by elementary teachers at 19%. Nearly half of elementary teachers (47%) are unsure about AI’s impact, indicating a need for more guidance and information.

Implications for Principals

School principals play a crucial role in shaping how AI is integrated into their schools. Here are key points to consider:

Teacher Support and Training: Given the mixed opinions and high levels of uncertainty, it is essential to provide teachers with robust training on AI tools. This can help them understand the potential benefits and drawbacks, and how to use these tools effectively.

Policy Development: Principals should work on developing clear policies regarding AI use in the classroom. This includes guidelines on acceptable uses, such as research and administrative tasks, while addressing concerns about AI in grading and essay writing.

Students’ Interaction with AI

Usage Among Teens: A separate survey revealed that 19% of teens who know of ChatGPT have used it for schoolwork, with usage more common among older students (24% of 11th and 12th graders).

Acceptability and Ethical Concerns: Students’ views on the acceptability of using ChatGPT vary by task:

  • 69% find it acceptable when researching topics.
  • 39% find it acceptable for solving math problems.
  • 20% find it acceptable for writing essays.

Planning for the Future

As AI tools continue to develop, school principals must stay informed and proactive. By providing adequate training for teachers, developing clear policies, and understanding students’ interactions with AI, principals can ensure that AI is used responsibly and effectively in their schools.